Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I Know

Sometimes you can glance at something and just know for a fact what will happen next, you keep an open mind, claim you'll take your chances. All the while you just now it won't go on, but you play along, waiting for the charde to be over, and when it does, you smirk and say "I already knew,"


Brownie said...

i call it my inner voice and most of time i don't listen to it.

The.I.inside said...

sometimes i listen sometimes i don't but either ways, it gets unnerving sometimes

Umslopagas said...

Wait till you face your greatest fear, then tell me about it

The.I.inside said...

I'm not a face your fear kinda person not sure is that because i have no greatest fears or because am just a coward.

Umslopagas said...

Everyone has his greatest fears, most people though don't face them till they manifest.

You'll never know till you see it though.

Disturbed Stranger said...

I never keep my mouth shut... I always announce what I'm sure will happen or at least bound to happen...

because I prefer the "I told you so" more than the discret "I knew it" ;)

The.I.inside said...

You are Probably right so i'll have to wait and see

Disturbed Stranger
The glamorous I told you so, is a something i adore but usually only use it when am talking about other people's business, probably because it taste much sweeter